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Assembly of God

Service/Gathering Times:

Sunday morning at 10:30 in Clubhouse 3, Room 2; Wednesday morning Bible study at 10 in Clubhouse 3, Room 2; the Hymn Sing is held on the fourth Sunday of the month in the Clubhouse 3 Lobby at 6 p.m.

Sermon for this week: Pastor Chuck Franco will deliver part 2 of “The Ordinances of the Church” sermon on Sunday, Oct. 30. This week’s focus is on Communion. Like any ritual performed on a regular basis, Communion could become a mere habit or routine. That is why it is imperative that believers connect to the sanctity of this observance, and why not everyone in attendance at a service should participate. Jesus’ instruction to perform this ritual comes with a warning of profound consequences if it is carried out thoughtlessly. Christianity is entirely dependent on Jesus’s sacrificial death and resurrection so that humankind might be reconciled to God. Be reminded, or discover anew, the intimacy created between God and people.

Bible Study: A new Bible study on the book of Titus will begin on Nov. 2 Paul writes to Titus and encourages him to be authentic, to live out the Gospel, preach sound doctrine, whether it be by the spoken word or living a life that speaks God’s truth. All are welcome to join.

Contact: More information can be found at www.lwassemblyofgod. com. Those who would like prayer, personal contact from a pastor or a DVD of the Sunday morning sermon can contact pastors Chuck and Sheryl Franco by calling (562) 357-4360 or emailing pastorchuck@ lwassemblyofgod. com.

Carolyn van Aalst is also available to receive prayer requests at (562) 343-8424.

Pastor Chuck’s sermons can be accessed on the Faithlife app under “Leisure World Assembly of God,” where people can also give online.

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