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Congregation Sholom

Rabbi Eric Dangott will stream Friday night services at 6:30 on Aug. 21 on The Congregation Sholom of Leisure World Facebook page. To join, select the “Rooms” tab, then click on “Jewish Activities” and “Join to Restart.” Rabbi Dangott will also be on Facebook for the Saturday morning services at 9:30 on Aug. 22.

Congregation Sholom and Sandy Geffner will host a special game afternoon on Sunday, Aug. 23, at 4 p.m. in the Bingo room on the Facebook page. To join, go to your Facebook, search for Congregation Sholom, click on rooms, then click on Bingo. Do not go directly to Congregation Sholom, as you will not have access to the rooms. When you log in at 4 p.m. Sandy will recite the game rules, directions for making a game card and how to play Scattergories in an online environment. Participants will need a paper (8½ x 11 is probably best) and a pencil. Those who played two weeks ago had a great time with many laughs.

Those who want to join in on the games, book club or services that are live streamed in a room on the Congregation Sholom of Leisure World Group Facebook page can call Susan Michlin at (805) 501-5268 to be added to the rooms.

Electric Shabbat Candles are available for $8. This will enable you to light candles on Friday night and keep them burning until after Havdalah on Saturday night without a risk of fire. Contact Carol Levine if you want a set. They have graciously been obtained for us in Leisure World by Rachel Berkowitz of Chabad.

The High Holidays will be here very soon. More information will be forthcoming next week.

If you know someone who wants to be a member so they can participate in the services that are live streamed on the Congregation Sholom of Leisure World Group Facebook page, have them call Ron Yaffee at (562) 430-7040. Congregation Sholom hopes that its congregation and the rest of Leisure World stays well and safe during the current pandemic.

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