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Congregation Sholom

Rabbi Karen Isenberg will stream Friday night services at 6:30 on Aug. 14 on The Congregation Sholom of Leisure World Facebook page. To join, select the “Rooms” tab, then click on “Jewish Activities” and “Join to Restart.” Rabbi Isenberg will also be on Facebook for the Saturday morning services at 9:30 on Aug. 15.

Join Congregation Sholom on Sunday, Aug. 16 at 2 p.m. for a safe, socially distanced boat ride via London boat rides. The group will meet at 1:30 just below the Boathouse Restaurant at 186 N. Marina Dr. #4601 Long Beach 90803. To RSVP, contact Susan Michlin at (805) 501-5268.

The book club has chosen a new book, “The Little Bride” by Anna Solomon. It is less than $5 to purchase. A room has been added to the Congregation Sholom Facebook for the book club for the group to meet on Tuesday, Aug. 18, at 1:30.

Anyone who wants to participate in Congregation Sholom’s games, book club or live streamed services on the Congregation Sholom of Leisure World Group Facebook page, can call Susan Michlin at (805) 501-5268 to be added to the rooms.

Electric Shabbat Candles are available for $8. This will enable you to light a candle on Friday night and keep it burning until after Havdalah on Saturday night without a risk of fire. Contact Carol Levine if you want a set. They have graciously been obtained for Leisure World residents by Rachel Berkowitz of Chabad.

Congregation Sholom will have a membership drive this month. More information to follow.

Anyone who wants to become a member to participate in the live streamed services on the Congregation Sholom of Leisure World Group Facebook page can call Ron Yaffee at (562) 430-7040. Congregation Sholom hopes that its members and all of Leisure Wolrd stay well and safe during the current pandemic.

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