were Linda and Dick Stein ….
were Linda and Dick Stein with a 59.23% game; second were Sibyl Smith and Diane Schmitz with a 57.14% game.
Overall winners in a 4-table Howell game on Aug. 6 were Judy Jones and Al Appel with a 59.52% game; second were Russ Gray and Mark Singer with a 57.14% game.
East/west winners in the 9-table game on Aug. 8 were Shmuel Fisher and Thad Mikols with an outstanding 69.21% game; second were Bud Parish and Carol Murakoshi with a 57.41% game. Larry Topper and Norma Kruger and Priscilla Caillouette and Joan Tschirki, north/ south, tied for first place with a 59.72% game.
GamesareplayedonMonday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday in Clubhouse 1 beginning at 12:30 p.m. Players are asked to arrive no later than noon to confirm their reservations. Reservations can be made at any game using the sign-up sheets and/or by contacting Dan Frank at (562) 739-6441 or email danfrankcpa@gmail.com no later than 10 a.m. on game day.
—Gene Yaffee