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limits. Articles: 500 or less. ….

limits. Articles: 500 or less. Columns: 500 words or less. Letters to the editor: 250 words or less.

If you are writing a special feature, requests for extensions on the word limit can be made.

Any article that contains quotes or commentary must have appropriate attribution and a byline with the contributor’s name. All other articles can have a tagline with just the club or organization name.

Email is Best

Email is the preferred method of submitting articles, either as a Word attachment or in the body of the email. Send it to the appropriate editor (as listed in the staff box below). Emailed articles always get a reply; if you don’t receive one, follow up with a call to (562) 430-0534. Handwritten articles will be accepted but they must be legible.


• Do not type articles in all capital letters or use bold, italics or underlines.

• Do not use multiple tabs, spaces or other format alterations. (All articles are edited and reformatted in accordance with news style).

• Flyers are not published in the newspaper.

• Double check dates and names for accuracy. This is the contributor’s responsibility.


• Email articles after everyone in your group has proofread it.

• If making a correction after sending the article, bold or change the font color for the change in the article.

• Double check that the day of the week and date match.


All content submitted to the LW Weekly is edited for consistency and to align with AP Style and GRF guidelines. Edited articles cannot be emailed back to correspondents for review because of time and the volume of content received.

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