Food programs abound in OC

by Robann Arshat
GRF member resourced liaison
There are many food resources in Orange County. For easy access to information on food programs, resources, farmers markets, nutrition and a free food map, visit the website at www.ocfoodhelp. org. Here is a list of some of the biggest programs: CalFresh
The largest food program in California, CalFresh is also known as the food stamp program or federally, as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). It provides monthly food benefits to individuals with low-income.
This program issues monthly benefits on an electronic benefit transfer (EBT) card (i.e., debit card). Food may be purchased at any grocery store or farmers market that accepts EBT cards. The amount of benefits depends on household size and income.
The new income guideline for 2022 is: One-person household can have a maximum gross monthly income of $2,148; a twoperson household can have a maximum gross monthly income of $2,904. Signing up for CalFresh is easy. If you have a computer, go to and click on “Apply for California Food Stamps Online.” There will be a pink screen with a green “Apply Now” button. Click it and follow the simple directions.
People who don’t have computers can reach out to Leisure World’s representative Daisy Diaz, who can be reached at (714) 733-8679 or (714) 448-6226. The main number at (800) 281-9799 CalFresh also offers a Restaurant Meal Program that allows elderly, disabled and homeless CalFresh recipients to use CalFresh benefits to purchase prepared meals at participating restaurants by using their Golden State Advantage (EBT) card. To find participating restaurants, visit calfresh/rmp-locations. CAP Food Distribution
Free food is available in Leisure World to eligible residents who are 60 years and older through Community Action Partnership of Orange County (CAPOC). The food distribution site is at Clubhouse 4 every third Thursday of every month from 9-11a.m. Each eligible person receives a 32-pound box of food that includes cereal, peanut butter, juice, milk, cheese, canned vegetables, fruit and soup. The guidelines for Leisure World residents are they must be residents age 60 or older, have an income level of $1,396 per month for a one-senior household; $1,888 per month for a two-senior household and $2,379 for a three-senior household.
To sign up, residents should bring a photo ID and proof of income (Social Security/SSI statement, letter or bank statement or paycheck stub) to the food delivery truck. The attendant will sign people up, and qualified seniors will receive food the same day. Seniors who are unable to drive to the pick-up site may send a proxy to act on their behalf with appropriate ID. People can see if they qualify by contacting Trudy Wilson, senior CSFP manager, at (714) 667-0717, ext. 3610 or
Meals On Wheels-Anaheim
Meals on Wheels-Anaheim offers home-delivered meals through two different programs. The first offers five days of meal support, including breakfast, lunch and dinner, delivered to homebound older adults 60 years and older who have difficulty shopping or preparing meals and who have no one to help with meal support. Meals are nutritious, heart-healthy, diabetic-friendly and meet 100% of recommended dietary allowance. Participants are given the opportunity to provide a voluntary contribution for meals. However, if they qualify for the low-income program, there is financial assistance to cover the cost of your daily meals.
The second option is call Senior Cuisine Delivered. This program offers a choice from participating restaurants and caterers. Lunch and dinner for two are delivered four or six days a week. Meals are affordably priced at $10.95 each with no additional delivery costs and no hidden fees. For more information, call (714) 220-0224 or
Meals on Wheels of Long Beach
Meals on Wheels of Long Beach offers home-delivered nutritionally balanced and diabetic-friendly ready to eat meals for individuals who are unable to shop and cook for themselves and who live alone. Meals are delivered Monday-Friday except major holidays.
Service can be long-term or a temporary basis if you are recovering from surgery or illness. The fee is $9.75 per day for a hot dinner, cold lunch, dessert and beverage. However, if you qualify for the low-income program there is financial assistance to cover the cost of your daily meals.
For more information call (562) 439-5000 ext 1 or visit the website at
The Seal Beach Lunch Program
Meals on Wheels OC provides a senior lunch program at the North Seal Beach Center, 3333 St. Cloud Drive, Seal Beach. Currently, Grab & Go frozen meals are available for pickup on Tuesdays from 11 a.m.-noon.
Starting Aug. 4, a dine-in Lunch Café will be served on Thursdays, from 11a.m.-noon. For the Lunch Café, participants would need to reserve in advance by calling the site at (562) 430-6079 between 8 a.m.-noon.
The lunch program is open to all adults age 60 years and older. A suggested donation for lunch is $3. For more information, call (562) 431-2527, ext. 1344, or visit the website at www.sealbeachca. gov/city-services/senior-services.
Los Alamitos Community Center Drive-thru Distribution
The Senior Grocery Program is sponsored by the Second Harvest Food Bank OC and Cottonwood Church. They provide free grocery items, no registration or income requirements. Distribution is held every Tuesday beginning at 1 p.m. until supplies run out on a first come, first served basis. People should not arrive before 12:45 p.m. due to space constraints and follow the signs. Bring bags and carts to carry groceries home. For more information, call (562) 430-1073 or visit the website at www.cityoflosalamitos. org/recreation.
Other resources include various local grocery stores that offer delivery services and take CalFresh EBT debit cards. People can order and pay online.
Some of these grocery stores also offer ready-made meals that people can heat and eat and hot prepared meals. Orders can be placed online; home delivery is available.
Sprouts, Ralphs and Gelson’s use Instacart for their delivery service for a fee.
Pavilions has a concierge delivery free of charge. Target will deliver groceries for $9.99 per delivery. For immediate food assistance, call the USDA National Hunger Hotline at 1-866-3-HUNGRY (1-866-348-6479) or 1-877-8-HAMBRE (1-877-842-6273). Information is available in English and Spanish. The hotline operates Monday-Friday from 7 a.m.-10 p.m., Eastern Time.
LW residents are invited to visit the brochure display in Building 5 for more information.
Those who want to book an appointment to learn more about the information should call GRF Member Resource Liaison Robann Arshat at (562) 431-6586, ext. 317.