Duplicate Bridge
Leisure World Duplicate Bridge is played on Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays in Clubhouse 1. All games start at 12:30 p.m. and end about 3:30. On March 18, there were nine tables playing. In first place, setting northsouth and earning 2.08 master points, were Linda Nye and Adair Paul; setting east-west and earning .88 master points were Russell Gray and Ellen Kice. Coming in second were Kay Tseng and Alan Olschwang, who were setting east-west and earned 2.77 master points.
For reservations, contact Linda Nye at (562) 453-6678 or yuelingnye@yahoo.com. For all other information, contact Sharon Beran at (562) 308-7838 or hbsharonb2gmail.com.