Filipino Association of Leisure World

Filipino Association of Leisure World (FALW) honored its members with March birthdays at its monthly meeting on March 13. The club’s next meeting will be on April 10. FALW is a friendly, multicultural group that invites all residents to join the club for fellowship, dancing, singing, laughter and delicious food.
The club will host Bingo on Sunday, March 20, in Clubhouse 2 at 1 p.m. Easter Sunday Bingo has been moved to the following Sunday, April 24.
Upcoming events for the club are the Veterans Day picnic, which will be celebrated on July 2, and the luau on Sept. 3. The club will release more information about how to get involved when the events are closer.
For more information, call FALW President Eileen Merritt at (562) 486-1252.
— Carolyn Motola