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How to minimize petty theft in LW


by Victor Rocha

Security Services director

Overall, the community is fortunate to have a low rate of crime considering nearly 10,000 people live inside Leisure World Seal Beach. However, a spate of thefts has recently been reported in the community.

Some of the reports fall into the category of “crimes of opportunity,” that is a thief noticed an unlocked car door or unsecured property in a carport and took advantage of the opportunity.

There are many ways to minimize thefts, including:

• Do not leave valuables visible inside vehicles.

• Close vehicle windows and lock doors upon exiting.

• Close and lock doors and windows to residences, even when leaving for a short period of time.

• Secure all approved items, including ladders, bicycles, storage boxes, in carports.

Security is working closely with the Seal Beach Police Department to curtail thefts here.

Residents are asked to report suspicious activity, such as someone loitering in carports, and may remain anonymous.

To report suspcious activity, call the Seal Beach Police Department at (562) 594-7232.

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