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Cyber security questions answered


Last month, the Golden Rain Foundation uncovered a targeted effort to exploit and abuse access to its email environment. Swift action was taken, and Information Technology (IT) staff is currently working with a team of cyber incident response and forensic experts to secure and fully understand the extent of this incident.

Cyber crime is all too common worldwide and here at home, requiring the GRF to take more aggressive steps to secure its data.

On Feb. 22, the board voted to spend a total of $429,686 to improve and replace the GRF’s aging network infrastructure and engage a team of cyber security forensic experts to proactively monitor the network.

The following responses are to questions submitted by LW residents about the email breach.

Question: I have had some contact with the GRF LW Board. What, if any, affect would this have on my email account?

Answer: Your email account is not affected as it is not hosted on GRF servers.

Question: Do we know if GRF employee information has been compromised?

Answer: Thanks to the quick action taken, the cyber security incident response team did not find any evidence that employee or shareholder information was compromised.

Question: I’m an IT tech and a former supervisory program analyst for the Social Security Administration for 25 years. Can I help?

Answer: The offer is much appreciated; however, the GRF has already engaged a specialized cyber security incident response team to handle this incident.

Question: I would like to address the GRF board. When and how can this be achieved?

Answer: Residents can address the GRF Board during its monthly meetings at 10 a.m. on the fourth Tuesday of the month in Clubhouse 4. The next meeting will be held March 22. Foundation members are permitted to make comments before the business of the board begins.

Requests must be registered in advance of the meeting. Speakers are limited to four minutes each.

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