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Joan Boryta to give demo

Joan Boryta to give demo Joan Boryta to give demo


When the Art League meets on March 8 at 7 p.m. in Clubhouse 4, the demonstrating artist will be Joan Boryta. It’s suggested that members arrive early to secure a seat, as Boryta is a popular local artist.

Born and raised in New England, Boryta showed an interest in drawing and won awards in school for her artwork. Her parents wanted her to pursue other career options, so she didn’t enter the art world until she had raised her family and entered the corporate world.

As an adult, Boryta rediscovered her passion for art after enrolling in an oil painting class. She later took a class in watercolor, and, she says, she fell in love with the spontaneity and softness of the medium. She was hooked.

She was awarded five Cultural Council awards in Massachusetts and two fellowships to paint in Ireland, and she was juried into the New England Watercolor Society gallery. She also lived in Barbados, where she spent 10 years painting in the Caribbean island’s vibrant color palette.

From there, she moved to California, where she now paints a different landscape. Boryta is a member of the Cypress, Huntington Beach and Orange County art leagues, and her work has appeared in three watercolor books. She teaches watercolor classes to students of all levels.

Members are invited to bring artwork in the theme “portraits” for judging by Boryta in the Popular Vote competition. The contest’s check-in deadline is 6:30 p.m.

Joan Boryta's landscape watercolors will be on display.

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