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Assembly of God

By Norma Ballinger

LW contributor

Become friends with Pastor Sam Pawlak on Facebook and then tune in each Sunday at 10 a.m. as he brings a message of hope and encouragement. In addition to the Facebook service, a DVD will be handed out each Sunday morning of the full worship service with Pastor Sam preaching and Denise Smith leading the praise songs . This unique method allows church members to have a copy of the DVD at the first of the week so that they will still feel a part of the congregation.

The book of Lamentations, most likely written by the prophet Jeremiah, states that he is grieving over the destruction of Jerusalem. Even though the entire city, including the temple have been torn down, he recognizes that all of this is a judgment of a righteous God. Knowing that God is merciful, he appeals for that mercy in his prayer.

Chapter three includes thoughts of suffering and hope in God. This is the first time in the book that hope is allowed as the writer had sunk low in his soul. It’s all about yielding to the Lord. The Cape of Good Hope around South Africa was once named The Cape of Storms but as bold navigators rounded this difficult spot, the sailing became smoother. As beat down as the people of Jerusalem and Judah were, they were not completely consumed. There was still a remnant with a promise of restoration, because wherever God leaves life, he also leaves hope.

It’s this mercy and hope that we need to concentrate on every day. Verse 23 says that God’s compassion is new every morning–each dawn gives mankind hope in fresh mercies and compassions. We need a constant supply, because every morning is a new day. He gives new provisions and new forgiveness, new strength for temptations that come our way.

The prophet addresses God directly, “great is your faithfulness” and he is drawn back into fellowship and communion with God.

Yes, the Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him, and it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.

Writings such as the Book of Lamentations give great assurance that in times of testing and troubles, there is nothing greater people can do than to put our hope in God and then let him lead.

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