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Resident’s Column

by Nick Massetti

LW contributor

Didn’t you see the STOP sign?—the officer pulling folks over past a Leisure World stop sign asks that question. The first driver says, “Yeah, but I didn’t see you.” The second driver says, “I don’t speak sign language.” The third driver says, “Yeah, but I don’t believe everything I read.” The fourth driver says, “I slowed down, what’s the difference?” At that point, the frustrated officer starts telling nonstop really bad dad jokes and interjects, “You want me to slow down or stop?”

The first stop sign was created in 1915, but despite being around for more than 100 years, too many drivers still fail to obey them.

In fact, drivers failing to come to a complete stop at stop signs is the most common cause of all traffic accidents. I get it. You’re late for something, you’re distracted and don’t see it, or you just want to get home faster. Or maybe you have acquired a bad habit because you’ve had to face few consequences for continuing the behavior.

Well, your neighbors are getting fed up, and they are calling for action to stop it. You might be comfortable paying for the first ticket because the fine and associated government and court fees are only $250 and one added DMV point to your driving record that will likely increase your insurance cost. But that habit will get expensive quick. Being inside the walls of LW won’t shield you from being ticketed. The City of Seal Beach recently passed a resolution accepting an invitation to provide traffic enforcement on LW’s private streets. So the same traffic laws apply as outside the walls.

Take the Stop on the Red Sign pledge. Safe roads in Leisure World begin with you.

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