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Democratic Club

by Mary Larson

LW contributor

Primary interest by Leisure World Democratic Club voters continues to center on the new Congressional District 47. Katie Porter is the Democrat running for re-election in this district.

Porter has expressed an interest in getting to know Leisure World voters. She will be a featured speaker at an upcoming SBLW Democratic Club meeting. An experienced commercial law professor and consumer protection attorney, Porter has long been on the front lines of the fight for consumers and investors. Before coming to Congress, she spent nearly two decades taking on the special interests that dominate American politics.

In office, Porter has focused on a number of important issues, including taking action to prevent gun violence. At the start of this term, she led a successful effort to shed light on conflicts of interest in Congressional hearings. She and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand have reintroduced legislation that would strengthen disclosure rules and prevent individuals in trusted positions of power—including the president, vice president, members of Congress, and their families, and senior staff—from abusing their access for selfenrichment.

Club members are looking forward to supporting Porter in the 2022 Primary and General elections. Anyone wanting to work within Leisure World to help Porter get re-elected should email lwsbdemocraticclub@ gmail. com. Those interested in working directly with her campaign staff should go to her website at

To access her Facebook page, go to katieporteroc.

The current re-configuration of districts continues to result in other changes for Leisure World voters. For more about candidates in other races, Leisure World Democrats and supporters can subscribe to the club’s free newsletter. Email

or call editor Mary Larson at (562) 296-8521. Make sure to include your full name, address and phone number, as well as party affiliation.

••• Democratic voters and potential supporters are invited to stop by the club’s Hospitality and Information Booth located outsideClubhouse6. Thebooth will be open Tuesday, March 1, from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Visitors will find copies of the club’s current newsletter, voter registration forms and a warm welcome.

Club 2022 membership renewals are now due. Members are reminded that dues can be waived upon request. Renewal forms are available on the club’s website, https://sblwdems.wordpress. com, under the “Join Us” tab.

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