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Congregation Sholom

Congregation Sholom will hold services via Zoom with Rabbi Eric Dangott on Friday, Feb. 18, at 6:30 p.m. and Saturday, Feb. 19, at 9:30 a.m.

New members who want to watch the livestream should contact Jeff Sacks by texting (714) 642-0122 or emailing jfsacks@gmail. com. The link will have the meeting ID and password embedded. The phone number for those who do not have Internet service is (669) 900-9128.

To join the Zoom meeting, go to 752519429?pwd=UDREWTA1N21jaXVUZUhyQmY1U01JQT09.

The meeting ID is 375 251 9429, and the passcode is 8ZYy69.

The walking group walks 6 feet apart while wearing masks and meets every Monday and Wednesday at 6 p.m. at the bus stop across from Clubhouse 3.

Lisa Brass is crocheting double-thick potholders as a fundraiser for $18 a pair. Call (562) 794-9090 to order.

Congregation Sholom has silk-screened, reusable Congregation Sholom of Leisure World masks for sale at $5 each or four masks for $18, including shipping. All proceeds will go to the general fund. Email Murray Pollack at or call (562) 331-3949 to place an order.

The book club is currently reading short stories from the book “Here I Am” and will meet via Zoom on Wednesday, Feb. 23, at 7 p.m.

Congregation Sholom is planning to hold a Seder and dinner on the first night of Passover, April 15, in Clubhouse 3.

Those who want to plant a tree in Israel for any occasion can contact Michele Vallens at (562) 230-7464 for more information.

Those who need to be added to the yahrzeit list should call Lisa Brass at (562) 794-9090 by Wednesday, Feb. 23, so she can inform the clergy.

Those who need to be added or removed from the misheberach list should call Darlene Rose at (562) 347-8088 by Wednesday, so she can inform the clergy.

Those who want to join the congregation should let Howard Brass know at (562) 794-9090.

To receive Zoom invitations to all Congregation Sholom events, call Jeff Sacks at (714) 642-0122.

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