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GRF BOD Monthly Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, Feb. 22, 10 a.m.

Clubhouse 4 and via Livestream

To view the live GRF Board meeting, go to www.lwsb. com. The livestreaming uses YouTube live and terminates at the close of the meeting.

1) Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance 2) Roll Call 3) President’s Announcements 4) Seal Beach City Council Member’s Update 5) Shareholder/Member Comments 6) Consent Calendar a) Committee/Board meetings for the Month of January i) Minutes of the Recreation Committee Meeting, Jan. 3 ii) Minutes of the Physical Property Committee Meeting, Jan. 5 iii) Minutes of the GRF Administration Committee Meeting, Jan. 6 iv) Minutes of the Mutual Administration Committee Meeting, Jan. 10 b) GRF Board of Directors Minutes, Jan. 25 c) February GRF Board Report, dated Feb. 22 d) Acceptance of the Interim Financial Statements for Audit for the Month of January 7) Ad Hoc Reports a) Governing Document Ad Hoc Committee-Discussion b) Strategic Planning Ad Hoc Committee-Discussion c) Website Ad Hoc Committee-Discussion d) Bulk Cable Ad Hoc Committee-Discussion 9) New Business a) General i) Approval of New HMO Plan “Select” ii) GRF Meetings Face Mask Requirement iii)ApprovalofRe-establishingof1.8AcresKnownasMiniFarms b) Communication/IT Committee i) Approval of the Annual Report Suspension ii) Amend 20-2806-1, Community Publications c) GRF Administration Committee i) Capital Funding Request-Purchase of the Trailer for Emergency Supplies ii) Amend 30-5092-1, Code of Ethics iii) Amend 30-5155-3, Plan Investment, Administrative Committee d) Finance Committee e) Mutual Administration Committee f) Physical Property Committee i)Capital Funding Request-Clearing Out the Mini Farms at the 1.8 Mark ii) Amend Policy 30-5041-5, Real Trust Property Acreage g) Recreation Committee i)Approval Janitorial Contract Extension-Innovative Cleaning Service ii) Reserve Funding Request-Ice Machine in Clubhouse 1 iii) Reserve Funding Request-Ice Machine in Clubhouse 3 iv) Amend Policy 70-1429.01-1, Golf Course Regulations h) Security, Bus & Traffic Committee i) Amend 80-1937-1, Parking Rules ii) FINAL VOTE- Amend Policy 80-5580-1, Entry Passes-Rules 10) Board Member Comments 11) Next Meeting March 22, Clubhouse 4/virtual 12) Adjournment

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