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Women’s Golf Club

On Feb. 1, 48 members of the Women’s Golf Club competed for low gross and low net. Mary Ann Moore was the only golfer to hit the ball from the tee box directly into the circle surrounding Hole No. 8.

Flight A: Low gross: Linda Herman, 28; low net: Susie Kim, 25. Flight B: Low gross: tie between Mary Ann Moore and Sally Park, 28; low net: tie between Zoe Pickell and Joann Lim, 23.

Flight C: Low gross: Sue Yokomi, 39; low net: tie between Helen Yoon and Jee Choi, 24.

Flight D: Low gross: Patti Smith, 35; low net: Joyce Basch, 24. That afternoon, club President Liz Meripol conducted the monthly general meeting. Afterward, social chairwoman Elizabeth Butterfield led members in candy hearts bingo, with prizes awarded to the winners. Barbara Thompson also won a prize for guessing the exact number of candies in a jar.

The next general meeting will be on March 1 at 3:30 p.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 1. All members are encouraged to attend.

—Dale Quinn

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