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LWer shares a festive winter trip

LWer shares a festive winter trip LWer shares a festive winter trip


Traveling Tigers President Edward Hickman will share a presentation on his December 2021 trip to Poland at the club’s meeting on Feb. 16 at noon in Clubhouse 3, Room 9.

It had been two years since his last trip, and the constantly changingrestrictionsmadetravel challenging. But Poland was a beautiful place, he says, with excellentfoodandalottoexplore. With the snow and the holiday decorations, the cities of Warsaw and Krakow looked very festive. HickmanattendedaChopinconcert, visited the Warsaw Rising Museum and walked down 850 wooden steps into a salt mine. On his flight home, he recalls, there were only about 25 people on the plane, giving passengers room to spread out and even take up their own row to sleep.

The Traveling Tigers invites others to speak about their trips. Presentations usually last about 30 minutes, and a large-screen TV setup is available for showing photos or videos. The club can provide help to the speaker— whether a resident of LW or not—including transferring photos and videos to a flash drive and setting up the presentation. Anyone interested can contact Vice President Susan Shaver at (562) 795-9151.

Members who have not reclaimed their payment for last year’s canceled summer picnic should contact Treasurer Joan Schwichtenberg at (562) 446-0731.

This month’s meeting will not include a potluck. All current GRF guidelines will be followed, including the mask requirement.

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