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Member Column

by Jim Greer

LW contributor

In the frightening 1982 hit film “Poltergeist,” Steven Spielberg tells the story of unseen spirits wreaking havoc in the homes and neighborhoods of modern suburbanites. This award-winning story is based on true incidents of recorded poltergeist activity throughout the world. The study of the paranormal has identified many types of ghosts, spirits and specters that have been tormenting humans for centuries. Recently a new type of malevolent spirit has been discovered right here in Leisure World.

Perhaps you have been reading some of the unexplainable incidents reported in LW Weekly’s Security Reports? These shocking events attest to the level of evil influence that could only be the work of the newly discovered Oldergeist, a mischievous specter that haunts residents of retirement communities.

For years, I had suspected the presence of beings from beyond within my own apartment. In fact, just recently, items I had carefully placed in plain sight on a counter disappeared. I asked my wife if she knew where they had gone, and her response was, “I didn’t touch them; it must have been someone else.” At first, I thought she enjoyed moving my things just to annoy me. But when several other items were also discovered missing, I had to assume that the “someone else” of which she spoke was in fact a being from the dark realm. This assumption was borne out when I went out to the carport and discovered scratches and dents on the bumper of my car. I was certain it must be the work of an evil spirit. You see, I have been driving for over 50 years and never had a bump, scrape or dent to other cars, walls or carport posts. Then I noticed that most vehicles in the carport had similar scrapes, dents and scratches. This was the undeniable proof of the presence of Oldergeists in Leisure World! The following are just a few of the documented, disturbing Oldergeist incidents reported in the Security Reports of the LW Weekly. Known to love hiding in cars and golf carts, Oldergeists take control of vehicles and their drivers, causing them to drive wildly along streets and walkways, running into walls, trees and parked cars. These possessed conveyances and their occupants run through stop signs with some crashing through fences and walls, ending up in the Golden Rain drainage ditch. Also fond of haunting apartments, garden plots and clubhouses, Oldergeists take money out of purses, move potted plants and statuary, remove furniture from patios, turn up the volume on TVs and stereos, and create noxious odors inside and out of apartments!

And to especially exasperate Mutual directors, Oldergeists leave old furniture and other useless articles next to trash and recycling dumpsters. The most wretched of these Oldergeists place fully assembled cardboard boxes and Styrofoam in the recycling dumpsters!

Let this be a warning to all Leisure World residents…beware the Oldergeists among us!

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