Recap of GRF Board Activity, Jan. 25
Approved Consent Agenda
MOVED and approved the consent agenda, including minutes of the Physical Property Committee meeting of Dec. 1; minutes of the GRF Administration Committee meeting of Dec. 2; minutes of the Finance Committee from Dec. 20; minutes of the GRF Board Meeting from Dec. 21; acceptance of the Interim Financial Statement from Dec. and approval of Reserve Funds Investment Purchase. General Reserve Funding Request— Server Replacement: MOVED to ratify the emergency action and associated reserve expenditure, in the amount of $9,171.69, for the replacement and installation of a new server and related software from Konica Minolta.
Establishment of Ad Hoc Committee, first motion: MOVED to approve and thereby establish the Bulk Cable Ad Hoc Committee and grant to the committee limited authority specifically stated within GRF governing documents, policies or other authority as granted by the BOD or as stated within this policy.
Second Motion: MOVED to approve the appointment of Nick Massetti, chair; Lee Melody; Larry Slutsky; Paula Snowden; and Carol Levine to the Bulk Cable Ad Hoc Committee in accordance with Article VIII of the bylaws, the committee chair and members shall be appointed by the GRF President and approved by action of the BOD in accordance with policy 30-5024-1, Committee Structure.
Finance Committee Amend Rule 40-5528-1, Refund of Excess Income: MOVED to amend rule 40-55281, Refund of Excess Income, as follows: 1. Remove “the entire amount” from item 2, which will now read: “refund to the Mutual Corporations”. 2. Add new item 4: Retain in GRF Operating Fund. 3. Amend item 5 to read: “a combination of Options 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5”. FINAL VOTE: Amend Policy 40-5061-2, Fees: Following a brief discussion, the Board decided to send this back to the Finance Committee.
FINAL VOTE: Adopt Policy 40-5580-2, Entry Passes— Fees: MOVED to ratify policy 40-5580-2, Entry Passes—Fees, updating document language, as presented.
Mutual Administration Committee Approval to Host 2022 Life Options Expo: MOVED to recommend the Board authorize the facilitation of the Life Options Expo on July 29 by Mutual Administration and Member Resource & Assistance Liaison and approve the budget, not to exceed $400, which includes refreshments, water, coffee supplies, napkins and decorations, as presented.
Physical Property Committee Capital Funding Request— St. Andrews Electric Vehicle Charging Station: MOVED to award a contract to Charge Point to purchase and install vehicle charging equipment and provide 10 years of service for a cost of $62,493, based on approval from SCE Charge Ready Program, and add a 20 percent contingency for a total cost not to exceed $75,493, using Capital funding, and to authorize the President sign the contract.
Capital Funding Request— Urban Crossroad—North Gate Road in Northwood Road and St. Andrews Drive: MOVED to award a contract to Urban Crossroads to perform an analysis of traffic flow for North Gate Road to Northwood and St. Andrews Drive for a cost not to exceed $9,800, capital funds, and authorize the President to sign the contract.
Reserve Funding Request— Drainage Concerns St. Andrews/ Northwood: MOVED to award a contract to MJ Jurado for the replacement of the curb, gutter and sidewalk for drainage purposes and construct a cross gutter from the triangle area at St. Andrews Drive triangle to the curb and gutter across Northwood Road, for a total cost, including 10 percent contingency, not to exceed $88,463, using reserve funding, and to authorize the President sign the contract.
Reserve Funding Request— Lobby Carpet Replacement, Clubhouse 2: MOVED to award a contract to Cornerstone Floors for the replacement of ADRCapproved Clubhouse 2, lobby carpet for a total cost of $24,594, which includes 10 percent contingency, using reserve funding, and to authorize the President sign the contract.
Recreation Committee Adopt Policy 70-5563-1, Needle Arts Studio—Rules: MOVED to adopt policy 705563-1, Needle Arts Studio— Rules, as presented, pending a 28-day notification to the members and a final decision by the GRF Board of Directors on March 22.
Strategic Planning Ad Hoc Committee Amend Policy 30-5167-3, Committee Charter: MOVED toamendpolicy30-5167-3,Committee Charter, with chnages to the purpose, goals and duties as presented.
Security, Bus & Traffic Committee Capital Funding Request— Speed Cushions: MOVED to award a contract to Urban Crossroads to perform an analysis to determine recommended locations and design for speed cushions to be constructed within the Trust street sections of the community for a cost not to exceed $9,600, capital funds, and authorize the President to sign the contract.
FINAL VOTE: Amend Policy 80-1937-2, Parking—Fines: MOVEDtoratify policy80-19372, Parking-Fines, as presented.
FINAL VOTE: Rescind Policy 80-1927.01-2, Fees for Parking Rules Violations on Trust Property: MOVED to rescind 80-1927.01-2, fees for parking rules violations on trust property, as presented.
FINAL VOTE-Rescind Policy 80-1927.02-3, Parking Rules for Trust Property: MOVED to rescind 80-1927.02-3, Parking Rules for Trust Property, as presented.