Executive Director Search Continues
A new Leisure World executive director is closer to being in place after the GRF Board of Directors participated in four executive sessions to select an executive search firm to recruit qualified candidates.
Within two weeks following Randy Ankeny’s last day in early December, staff posted the vacancy on two top-level community managers’ websites and the Board viewed presentations by executives from four national search firms. During the GRF directors’ pre-Christmas week, they spent six hours interviewing, evaluating and reviewing bids from the search firms before choosing an Arizona-based company with extensive contacts in the western states. The firm asked to remain unidentified so its search would not compromise potential candidates’ identities.
The firm formally undertook the search Jan. 6, and a week later, its president led board members through a formal process outlining personal and professional attributes considered important for the new executive director.
During the meeting, the firm’s president said that the job managing one of the nation’s first retirement communities is considered a topechelon position. He indicated the recruitment process will be easier because of Ankeny’s eight-year tenure in the position and his cooperative relationship with the GRF board. Another positive factor is Leisure World’s reputation for sound financial and management decisions that have kept insurance and lawsuit costs far lower than similar organizations. However, coastal California’s skyhigh home values may limit the pool of candidates willing to relocate to take on the position, he said.
The firm’s president predicted a new Leisure World executive director could be hired by late April and in place before summer, depending upon the winning candidate’s notice requirements and relocation issues.