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Beit HaLev

Beit HaLev Beit HaLev

Beit HaLev will not conduct in-person services until at least March due to the spread of the omicron variant of COVID-19.

Until then, Beit HaLev livestream services can be found on, YouTube. com (Beit HaLev LIVE! Channel) and Zoom.

To join the Zoomagogue community, go to https://us02web. HJGTE1OUXI5VXFDTWtuZ HF4K3VxUT09. The meeting ID is 915 243 4704, and the passcode is RavGalit.

Beit HaLev’s online services are on Fridays at 5:30 p.m. and Saturdays at 10 a.m. Services are followed by the Coffee Chavurah social on Zoom.

Following the miracle of the Israelites’ redemption at the Red Sea last week, the Torah reading this Shabbat is “Yitro,” named for Moses’ father-in-law, who teaches Moses a lesson in how to delegate power so that he not become overwhelmed with trivialities. Beit HaLev will read from Exodus 19:1-20:21, which includes the Revelation at Mt. Sinai and the giving of the Decalogue, the Ten Statements.

All Beit HaLev services use special prayerbooks, “Lev L’Lev,” which include excerpts from the Reform Siddur, “Mishkan HaT’filah.” Printed versions of the prayerbooks will be available for sale when live, in-person services resume.

Beit HaLev and Rabbi Galit-Shirah are a part of the Union of Jewish Universalist Clergy and Communities. It is progressive in thought and traditional in liturgy. The services are joyous, meaningful and musical. Beit HaLev welcomes everyone who seeks a path to the divine and doesn’t believe in labels. It considers all religions holy and valid.

To request a membership form for Beit HaLev, call Rabbi Galit-Shirah at (562) 715-0888 or email

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