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LWer celebrates 75th birthday

LWer celebrates 75th birthday LWer celebrates 75th birthday

Arnold Bateman of Mutual 9 will celebrate his 75th birthday on Sunday, Jan. 23. Arnold moved to Leisure World 13 years ago and has enjoyed his time in the community and what it has to offer for retirement. In fact, LWers may have seen Arnold around the community. He likes going to events, the gym and bike riding. He also enjoys walking around Leisure World with his wife of 39 years, Patricia Bateman. He has three sons, 15 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren and enjoys spending his retirement with his loved ones.

Arnold will be celebrating his 75th birthday with his family and friends at Saboba Resort and Casino.

Happy Birthday, Arnold; may you “Live, Long and Prosper!”

–Patrica Bateman

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