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Protecting pipes is everybody’s job

Protecting pipes is everybody’s job Protecting pipes is everybody’s job

GRF Service Maintenance has seen an increase in blocked pipes in the community. Residents can help prevent stoppages by:

• Never flushing diapers, feminine hygiene products, paper towels or cleaning wipes down the toilet. The only things that should be flushed are the three Ps: poo, pee and toilet paper.

• Never pouring fats, oil or grease into your kitchen sink. Grease adheres to the inside of sewer pipes. It can build up and block the pipe, causing an overflow. Fats, lard, oil, butter, food scraps, sauce and dairy products should be disposed of in the trash.

Tips for proper disposal:

• Save cooking grease in an old coffee can or cardboard milk container. Once cooled, dispose of it in the trash.

• Throw coffee grounds away in the garbage or add them to your mulch pile.

• Use a screen or drain-grate to cover the drain’s opening.

To keep pipes clean, pour one cup of vinegar down the drain and let it sit for 30 minutes; then chase it down with very hot water. Vinegar is a wonder cleaner. It contains acetic acid, which acts as an excellent organic solvent in removing organic buildup of crud in pipes.

Sink strainers are available through the GRF Purchasing Department at the Copy and Supply Center in Building 5.

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