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Women’s Golf Club

The 41 golfers who participated in the Jan. 4 weekly tournament for the Women’s Golf Club were able to play from the tee boxes, which have been under repair over the the past several weeks but are now in pristine condition. The women played for low gross, low net and circle hole No. 2. The club congratulates Jane Song, who was the only golfer to hit the ball from the tee box directly into the circle surrounding Hole 2.

The winners were:

Flight A: Low gross: Devora Kim, 28; low net: tie between Linda Herman, Theresa Lim and Jane Song, 26.

Flight B: Low gross: Sue Yokomi, 31; low net: Yvonne Kim, 25.

Flight C: Low gross: tie between Neva Senske and Cecelia Han, 34; low net: tie between Mary Devlin and Dale Quinn, 26.

Flight D: Low gross: Sue Elliott, 31; low net: tie between Pattie Littrell and Joyce Basch, 27.

Anyone interested in joining the Women’s Golf Club can obtain an application from the golf course starter or contact club Treasurer Margie Thompson at (562) 493-0484 for more information.

—Dale Quinn

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