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Community Church

“With you I am well pleased.” Isn’t that what every believer hopes to hear when it is their turn to come before Lord? Praise from a mother or father is a treasure; praise from the Lord who made every person is the ultimate affirmation. When Jesus presented himself to John the Baptist to receive baptism–washing away of the old life and initiation into a new life–the Spirit of God in a form like a dove descended upon him, and a voice from heaven said, “You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.” To show God’s loving kindness in this life, Leisure World Community Church welcomes everyone. The church has made a point recently as a faith community to say loudly and repeatedly, “You are welcome here.” The welcome has some constraints imposed by the pandemic it is still absolute. Community Church will continue to worship in person with its new air filtration system, masks and vaccination. On Sunday, Jan. 9, Kelly Frankiewicz, who holds a Master’s of Divinity from Fuller Theological Seminary, will preach a message titled “With You I am Well Pleased.”

Find Community Church on Facebook for live streamed worship at @ communitychurchleisureworld.

Those who don’t have Facebook and want to join the service via Zoom can call the church office or email leisurewccsue@

COMMUNITY As always, those who have a need without another way to address that need may call the church office and leave a message at (562) 431-2503.

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