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LW Poetry

This feature showcases original poems by members of the Creative Writers Club of Leisure World and other GRF members.

Thanks for the Funeral Flowers

For your love that comes my way, Embodied in this bright bouquet, I thank you so!

The pinks, the reds, the yellows say, Your thoughts are with me here today, When I must go.

Cut down they were at height of bloom, Oh, how they brighten up this room, Where I now lie.

Though meant to banish any gloom, Now snipped, they too will meet their doom, They too must die.

Please, loved ones, let the flowers live, And in my memory just give, A potted plant, Which on the morrow, I believe, The garden soil will grant reprieve, As only nature can.

And next week when you pass it by, Its beauty may just catch your eye— Please think of me, Not wilted, drooping like a sigh, But reaching out to sunlit sky, God’s glory for to see!

—Fred Wind

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