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Make the most of this unusual holiday


by C.J. Blomquist

Optum at the HCC

This year, many of us will be spending the holidays without our loved ones. Although it can be hard not to be near friends and family, there are ways to make the season enjoyable.

Make it a day for you. The great thing about having the holiday to yourself is that you can do what you want. Go for a stroll around the neighborhood and enjoy your neighbors’ holiday decorations. Stay home and binge-watch your favorite festive movies. Prepare your favorite foods and indulge—in moderation, of course.

Celebrate tradition—or don’t. Maybe there are some things you used to do with family and friends during the holiday season, and those are what make the season magical, Singing carols, having hot chocolate, exchanging gifts, you can do all these alone. Indulge in a special gift for yourself.

Not in the mood to celebrate? Then don’t. It’s not a requirement. You can enjoy the day for what it is: a time to spend on yourself. If you’re feeling down, do things to take your mind off the blues. Make it a productive day and catch up on chores around the house. Or just catch up on some of your favorites (non-holiday) movies.

Do some good for others. Your friends, family, and neighbors are all lonely, too. Now is the time to spread a little holiday cheer with a video call. Most smartphones have a video call feature. Or bake some of your favorite holiday treats and deliver them to your neighbors. Be sure to wear a facemask and keep some distance, though: we all need to be extra careful. Call ahead and let your neighbors know to look out for a special treat!

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