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Joanna Matos wins decorating contest

Joanna Matos wins decorating contest Joanna Matos wins decorating contest


The annual Mutual 2 Christmas Dinner filled Clubhouse 2 on Dec. 11. Shareholders snagged all 200 tickets, making it a sold-out event. Jimmy Koppel’s catering service provided a meal of ham, turkey, mashed potatoes and more, and LWers brought their favorite desserts, covering three 8-foot tables. Mutual 2 President Peggy Keller kept the party hopping, while local band Triple Pay had everyone on their toes. Director Gordon Smith played Santa. Director Teri Nugent ran the show behind-the-scenes with help from volunteers. Former director Patti Kilian created beautiful centerpieces, which were raffled off to one lucky person at each table.

One of the evening’s highlights was Director Chris Abel awarding prizes to winners of the Mutual’s annual Holiday Decorating contest. Third prize, $50, went to Karen Jensen of 60-A, and Alyce Lubs of 60-K amazed the judges with her Southwestern-themed display, worthy of the $75 second-place prize. Top honors and $100 went to Joanna Matos of 24-E. She really went all out this year. Honorable mention was bestowed on the Lawlors of 56-F, Elaine Mueller of 54-E, the Cordrays in 18-E, and the Vus in 36-A. The directors thank all the shareholders who entered the contest and invite the community to check out the wonderful displays. “It was a fun party, and our shareholders really made the effort to make Mutual 2 a wonderland of the holiday spirit,” said Director Chris Abel.

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