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Cribbage Club

Cribbage Club meets every Tuesday in Clubhouse 1. Desserts and coffee are served at noon, with play beginning at 12:30 p.m. Seven games are usually concluded by 4 p.m., with players rotating at the end of each game. Players do not need to bring a partner. New members are always welcome.

On Dec. 14, Margaret Smith took first place with a score of 837 (of a possible 847). Jack O’Brian placed second with 824, Eileen Dohl came in third with 823, and Patti Smith landed in fourth with 819. Carrie Kistner and Suzanne Parks each won six games but were out of the prize totals, while Pat Fellows lost all seven games.

Anyone interested in learning the game or brushing up on their skills can leave a message with Patti Smith at (562) 242-4674.

—Marilyn Chelsvig

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