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Cribbage Club

Taking first place in cribbage on Dec. 7 was Marie McGuire, with a score of 841 of a possible 847. Second place went to Kent Davidson with 828, and Howard Bleakley came in third with 823. Placing fourth with a score of 817 was Irvene Bernstein. With the help of Margaret Smith, Marcy Locy served apple pie topped with whipped cream to all 48 players. Cribbage Club meets each Tuesday in Clubhouse 1; $1 each week provides players the opportunity for at least three hours of card-playing fun, coffee and dessert. Snacks are served at noon, with play beginning at 12:30 p.m. Seven games are played, with members rotating at the end of each game. New members are always welcome. Dues of $3 for 2022 will be accepted at the next meeting.

Anyone wanting to learn to play cribbage or brush up on their skills can leave a message with Patti Smith at (562) 242-4674.

—Marilyn Chelsvig

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