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8.2. The required annual Lessee ….

8.2. The required annual Lessee Amenities fee payment is due and payable in full on the date of the lease agreement. No monthly payments can be made.

8.3. If delinquent, the current (before Jan. 1, 2021) Mutual 17 Lessee, shall pay damages to reimburse GRF for its expense and overhead in collecting the payment as follows:

8.3.1. A $25 late fee, and 8.3.2. Interest at 1 percent per month (APR of 12 percent) from the original date due until the date the full payment is received.

8.4. In addition to late fees, for each check from a Lessee that a bank returns for any reason, the Lessee must pay a $25 returned check fee and all bank charges assessed against the association.

8.5. If a Lessee becomes more than 90 days delinquent, the Lessee will receive a

30-day notice of GRF’s intent to suspend the right to use GRF amenities and Trust facilities, including driving privileges upon GRF Trust streets. GRF may also refer the Lessee account to an attorney or collection agency for appropriate action. All fees incurred by an attorney or collection agency to recover the delinquent amounts will be assessed to the Lessee.

8.6. GRF reserves the right to collect the delinquent account for the Amenities fee from Lessor.

8.7. Lessee Amenities fees shall be allocated as stated in Section 1.7.

9. The fee for verifying Powers of Attorney and Court Orders will be $75 per document, per review.

10. The fee for additional Leisure World maps will be $1 per map (Shareholders excluded).

11. All Fees are subject to annual review and are subject to change.


80-1927.01-2, Fees for Parking Rules Violations on Trust Property The following Parking Rules Violations Fees (Fines) are strictly enforced and are applicable to all persons controlling or operating vehicles on any Trust Property regulated by the Golden Rain Foundation (GRF) of Seal Beach. This refers to the streets, sidewalks, parking areas, clubhouses, grounds and other amenities overseen by GRF.

Per the Occupancy Agreements for Mutuals

1-12 and 14-16 and Mutual 17 CCRs: All Shareholder/ Members are solely responsible for the actions of their guests and employees; therefore, they are solely responsible for the fines and penalties incurred by their guests or employees.

GRF vehicles are exempted from these policies when appropriate, such as maintenance or security vehicles assisting first responders or providing emergency services to a Shareholder/Member unit or GRF Trust Property.

1. Fines for Parking Violations

Fee explanations for Fine table below:

1.1. Any animal or child left unattended in a vehicle will be reported immediately to Animal Control or Seal Beach Police.

1.2. First Offense The first offense may result in either a Fix-It citation, a Warning, a Fine or the vehicle being towed. See below.

A Fix-It citation allows 30 days for resolving the problem. The fine may be waived by the Parking Rules Violation (PRV) Panel.

1.3. Additional citations may be issued after each 24-hour period.

1.4. After the fourth Recreational Vehicle (RV) or Vehicle Used for Recreation (VUFR) violation, all RV or VUFR parking privileges are suspended for 12 months, beginning with the date of the fourth infraction.

Violation: First Offense, Second and Subsequent Offences

1. Assigned Parking Space or restricted parking Space: $25, $25

2. Blocking Crosswalk: $25, $25

3. Expired or Invalid State Vehicle Registration*: $50, $50

4. Flat Tires: Fix-It, $25

5. “For Sale” sign on Vehicle: $20, $20

6. Handicap Parking without Placard or Handicap ID Displayed: $100*, $200

7. Hazardous Materials Leaking:

$50, $50

8. Limited Time Parking: $20, $20

9. Maintenance or Repair: $25, $25

10. No Valid GRF Vehicle Decal or Parking Permit Displayed: $20, $20

11. Parked on Sidewalk or Grass:

$25, $25

12. Red Zone: $100, $200

13. RV or VUFR—Generator Running,

8 p.m.-8 a.m.: $50, $50

14. RV or VUFR—Jack Support, None or Inadequate: $50, $50

15. RV or VUFR Parked Over 72 Hours on Trust Street: $40, $40

16. Washing Any Vehicle on Trust Property (except in Car Wash areas):

$20, $20

17. Washing a Non-resident Vehicle at Car Wash: $20, $20 * Fine will be waived on first offense if placard and/or paperwork that was current at time of Citation is presented. The Security Services Director has the right to waive the first offence fine if needed paperwork is presented to them.


80-1927.02-3, Parking Rules for Trust Property The Panel will be created in July of each year by the Safety, Bus & Traffic Committee, with the newly elected Golden Rain Foundation (GRF) Board of Directors (BOD) President’s and Vice President’s Mutual removed from the rotation.

The GRF Vice President’s Mutual is removed from this schedule because the Vice President is the facilitator of the Parking Rules Violation (PRV) panel.

The GRF President’s Mutual is removed from this schedule, since the President will only serve on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) panel. Panel will meet on the fourth Monday of each month at 9 a.m. in the Administration Conference Room.

A second meeting will be scheduled if the volume of hearing requests is too large; it will meet on the fourth Wednesday at 1 p.m. in Conference Room B.


80-1937-2, Parking—Fines

1. Purpose

The following Community Rules Violations Fines are enforced and are applicable to all persons controlling or operating vehicles on any Trust Property regulated by the Golden Rain Foundation (GRF) of Seal Beach. This refers to the streets, sidewalks, parking areas, clubhouses, grounds and other amenities overseen by GRF.

All Member/Owners (M/O) are solely responsible for all the actions of any Visitor, Renter/ Lessee (R/L), Caregiver or Contractor who has entered Leisure World Seal Beach (LWSB) under their authorization, as well as any persons who have entered LWSB through their R/L’s authorization. Therefore, the M/O is responsible for any fines and penalties associated with their unit that are imposed by GRF.

2. Fines for Community Rules Violations on Trust Property Violation: Fine

1. Designated Parking Space or Restricted Parking Space: $25

2. Blocking Crosswalk: $25

3. Expired or Invalid State Vehicle Registration:


4. Inoperable Vehicles: $25

5. “For Sale” Sign on Vehicle: $25

6. Handicap Parking without Placard or Handicap ID Displayed: $100

7. Hazardous Materials Leaking: $50

8. Limited Time Parking: $25

9. Performing Maintenance or Repair: $25

10. No Valid GRF Vehicle Decal or Parking Permit Displayed: $25

11. Parked on Sidewalk or Grass: $25

12. Red Zone: $100

13. Recreational Vehicle (RV) or Vehicle Used for Recreation (VUFR)—Operating Contrary to 80-1937-1 (Section 4.5) : $50

14. RV or VUFR—Jack Support, None or Inadequate: $50

15. RV or VUFR Parked Over 72 Hours on Trust Street: $50

16. Washing Any Vehicle on Trust Property (except in Car Wash areas): $25

17. Washing a Vehicle Without a GRF-Issued Resident Decal at Car Wash: $25

2.1. Additional Community Rules Violation notices for the same violation may be issued after each 24-hour period.

3. Failure to Comply

Additional penalties may be assessed to M/O who fails to respond to a rules violation notice in a timely manner. The procedures for assessing those penalties are outlined in 30-5093-3.

4. Appeal Requests

Procedures for M/O to appeal a Community Rules Violation notice are detailed in 30-5093-3.

5. The fine may be contested to the Community Rules Violation (CRV) Panel.

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