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LWer knits blankets for children

LWer knits blankets for children LWer knits blankets for children

by Chris Abel

LW contributor

Karen and Kenny Zwibel from Mutual 2 moved to Leisure World part-time 11 years ago so they could be near their oldest son and his family. Originally from New York, they bought a retirement home in Florida to be close to their youngest son and his family in West Palm Beach. They switch between the two states about every six months (except during the pandemic).

In Florida, Karen joined the knitting club in their community and started knitting blankets. The club donates the blankets to the local police to keep in the trunks of their police cars. Whenever officers must remove an abused child from a home, they would give the child one of the blankets.

Although the Leisure World Knitting Club is no longer active, Karen still takes time to enjoy knitting. Last month, Karen contacted the local Seal Beach police station and asked if they would like these blankets for abused children. According to Karen, the officers were thrilled. She delivered two blankets she had finished to the station. The officers were very appreciative.

The station is just down the road at 911 Seal Beach Blvd. The station’s main number is (562) 799-4100. Do not call 911 to inquire about dropping off blankets.

For more information, call Karen at (561) 827-8335. She would love to help.

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