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Turn a lonely holiday into a happy day

by CJ Blomquist

Optum Healthcare

It’s been a strange two years, and for some, getting festive can be a bit challenging, especially when a person is spending these days alone. Here are a few tips to finding that holiday spirit.

Make it a day for you. The great thing about having the holiday to yourself is that you can do what you want: Go for a stroll around the neighborhood and enjoy your neighbors’ holiday decorations, stay home and binge-watch your favorite festive movies, or prepare your favorite foods and indulge—in moderation, of course.

Celebrate traditions—or don’t. Are there things you used to do with family and friends during the holiday season? Are they what make the season magical? Singing traditional songs or carols, having hot chocolate and decorating for the holidays are all things you can do alone. And if you enjoyed exchanging gifts, you can still indulge in a special gift for yourself.

If you’re just not in the mood for the holidays, then don’t celebrate. It’s not a requirement. You can spend time on yourself by doing things that would take your mind off your holiday blues. Make it a productive day and catch up on chores around the house, or catch up on some of your favorite (non-holiday) shows and movies.

Do some good for others. It’s the season for giving, and there are plenty of ways to do so. Many nonprofits need volunteers, whether at a food bank, a pet shelter, or other place that means something to you.

Giving to others can also bring people closer. If you have a neighbor who is also alone during this time, stop by with light treats and chat—or even just say hi. Share a few memories with others on Facebook, or call friends to let them know you’re thinking of them. It’s a simple but effective way of saying they matter to you. Whether you enjoy a quiet holiday by yourself or dread it, you can make the most of the day by making it your own.

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