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Cribbage Club

On Nov. 9, Patti Smith, president of the Cribbage Club, treated 51 members to cake and ice cream before play began; Margaret Smith assisted with serving. Members were surprised to see new cribbage boards at each table. The club thanks Candy Meyers for donating several new decks of large-number playing cards. It came down to the last hand to establish who had the top score for the day. Irvene Bernstein pulled ahead with a total of 843 total for first place. Joan Berg and Connie Deady tied for second place with 841. Julie Milburn placed third with 839, while Sharon Rutigliano took fourth with 830. Gene Smith, vice president, got his dollar back for having no wins in the seven games played. The Cribbage Club meets every Tuesday in Clubhouse 1. Snacks are served at noon, and play begins at 12:30 p.m. Seven games are played, with players rotating at the end of each game. New members are always welcome. Anyone who would like to learn the game or brush up on their skills should leave a message with Patti Smith at (562) 242-4674.

—Marilyn Chelsvig

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