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Representative Michelle Steel spoke at Senior Resource Fair

Representative Michelle Steel spoke at Senior Resource Fair Representative Michelle Steel spoke at Senior Resource Fair

U.S. Representative Michelle Steel (CA-48) spoke to LWers at the Senior Resource Fair in Clubhouse 4 on Oct. 22. Residents heard from Steel and members of her staff about how to navigate federal agencies as well as how to keep vigilant against scams.

With Medicare’s Annual Enrollment Period and approaching deadline on Dec. 7 at the forefront of many LWers’ minds, representatives from Cal Optima and the Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program each gave a short speech and were available to answer questions at their booths.

The Seal Beach Police Department ended the session with a reminder to residents about the abundance of financial scams that directly effect Leisure World residents every year. The audience was reminded that government agencies already have all of the important and private information, such as their Social Security number and Medicare ID, and will not ask for it over the phone.

After the presentations, LWers could visit the booths set up around the room and received bags and, informational packets and could ask their questions to the representatives at the booth.

U.S. Representative Michelle Steel (CA-48)

Photos by Laurie Bullock

LWers were provided gift bags and informational handouts at the different booths at the event.

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