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Power Outage Last Weekend

Power Outage Last Weekend Power Outage Last Weekend

Thousands of LW residents were left in the dark Saturday, Oct. 23. A power pole located on El Dorado Drive adjacent to the RV Lot and Mu- tual 8's Build ing 199 suffered a critical failure due to age and condition of the pole (not a vehicle collision). The top of the pole just snapped, according to a video captured by RV lot cameras. The failure caused a widespread power outage throughout the community Saturday. Seal Beach police and Security closed the intersection of Oakmont and El Dorado streets to protect pedestrians and vehicles and alerted Southern California Edison, which was immediately on scene to make repairs. Power was out for about 24 hours, with full restoration by mid-morning Oct. 24. To report a power outage, residents should call 1-800-611-1911. For more information on power outages in general, log on to

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