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Winter berm construction to start

Winter berm construction to start Winter berm construction to start


The City of Seal Beach started construction of the annual winter sand berm project this week. The work will extend through November.

The berm will be built along the beach from the pier easterly to approximately Dolphin Avenue.

Crew Inc. will construct the berm.

In addition, this fall, the city will concurrently perform backpassing, which is the process of removing beach sand from the west side of the pier and bringing it to the east side of the pier.

This process is performed periodically due to wave run-up carrying sand from the east beach to the west beach.

The contractor will stage its equipment in the 10th Street beach parking lot.

The city’s public works department will have a portion of the parking lot coned off in preparation for the work.

The berm, an annual fixture at the beach, is a popular place to watch a sunset and is usually taken down in April.

For further information regarding this project, contact David Spitz, associate engineer, at (562) 431-2527, ext. 1331.

—from the City of Seal Beach

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