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Letters to the Editor


In the LW Weekly (Sept. 16), Mutual 15 resident David Harlow wrote in the Letters to the Editor section to go to the Internet and enter “Has the Democratic Party rejected Christians?” He then asked us to read the search results. My goodness, one could replace the word “Democratic” with Republican and get the same negativity.

What comes next? Each party sitting on opposite sides of the central aisle of their place of worship? The same religion having two buildings on the same property, one for each party? GRF deciding to kick out all members of one of the two parties? Makes my heart cry!

Perhaps David should go to his religious source, the Bible, and take to heart Jesus’ view of forgiveness/ turning the other cheek. Can we not all just get along?

W. H. Smith Mutual 15 Editor:

This letter is in response to David Harlow’s letter (Sept. 16). As you suggested, I did look up “has the Democratic Party rejected Christians.” The answer is no.

Oh, there are some slanted so-called news notes that indicate some Americans have that opinion, but its opinion, nothing that is based on actual fact, no surprise there.

As for the Constitution, the Bill of Rights’ First Amendment, it is clearly also not the case.

The First Amendment to the Bill of Rights is quoted it in its entirety here: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; of abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or of the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

Lynne Burt-Jenkins Mutual 7 Editor:

My husband and I moved into LW three years ago with the expectation of a pool for me to exercise in and a lapidary area for him to work in.

The pluses to date are wonderful neighbors and friends, some of whom were born in other countries and have a different skin color than we have.

The displeasures are the lack of a pool. I am disabled now to the point I could not use it.

I am also displeased by the lack of use of the lapidary for a long time, after which it was not remodeled per request.

I have lived a few years shy of a century and have not seen racism rear its ugly head as it has for the past 5-6 years—and it is in here as well.

Not only that, but certain political clubs and their supporters are using banners and ads to ram their political beliefs down our throats under the guise of freedom of speech.

They aim at the ignorant and the gullible and disgrace us all with a banner the size of the sail on a small sailboat.

Dorisella Polinski Mutual 10 Editor:

As so often happens, I believe that the solution to the Republican sign controversy resides with pocketbook issues.

What does it do to our resale/ property values when a sign, clearly visible from the traffic light, tells prospective buyers that about 50 percent of them are not welcome in our community?

Rachael Lehmberg Mutual 2

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