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Women’s Golf Club

Women’s Golf Club Women’s Golf Club

Congratulations to Veronica Chang, the winner of the Women’s Golf Club President’s Cup Tournament. She won in a playoff match against Chong Hee Kim. The two golfers were tied after nine holes of play, but Chang broke the tie on Hole 11. The club extends its many thanks to Pam Krug and Sandy Derouin for organizing this yearly tournament.

There were 52 members participating in the weekly tournament on Sept. 28. The women competed for low gross, low net and chip-ins. Six members chipped the golf ball from the fairway directly into the hole, and one golfer made two chip-ins.

The flight winners were:

Flight A: Low gross: tie between Jane Song and Devora Kim, 26; low net: Janice Turner, 24.

Flight B: Low gross: Judy Kim, 31; low net: tie between Joann Lim, Marilyn Hewitt and Jee Choi, 26; chip-ins: Pam Krug (hole 3) and Helen Yoon (hole 5).

Flight C: Low gross: Sue Yokomi 28; low net: Sue Elliott, 23; chip-ins: Sue Elliott (hole 2), Sue Yokomi (hole 8) and Sun Lee (hole 9).

Flight D: Low gross: tie between Neva Senske and Betty Regalado, 36; low net: Patty Littrell, 24; chip-ins: Neva Senske (holes 3 and 4).

—Dale Quinn

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