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Assembly of God

The SkyWalk at Eagle Point in the Grand Canyon is a glass bridge suspended 4,000 feet above the canyon floor. Even looking at pictures of people walking on the bridge can give a person anxiety. Many people would have a hard time stepping out on something they can see through. It doesn’t make sense to some people that something transparent can support their weight, as well as all the other people walking on it. It’s a sign of a trust issue.

Pastor Chuck Franco will preach his second message in the two-part series “Where Is Your Trust?” at Leisure World Assembly of God’s service on Sunday, Oct. 10, at 10:30 a.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 2.

Pastor Chuck will address the following questions: “Is anything or anybody worthy of our trust anymore?” “What can we really rely on?” “What if it doesn’t make sense to put our trust in something or someone?” God’s word, the Bible, reveals the answers to people’s questions, anxiety and trust issues.

Pastor Chuck leads the Bible study on Wednesdays at 10 a.m. The group is currently going through Session 5, based out of Colossians 2:16-23. This study features a short video clip of insights and teaching from Louie Giglio, with questions, answers and input from participants, facilitated by Pastor Chuck.

Assembly of God is grateful for the cooperation exhibited by members and guests by wearing facial coverings when attending meetings in person. DVDs of the worship services are available to those who wish to remain at home. Those who would like to receive a DVD can contact the church office.

To receive more information about the church, or to receive prayer, contact Pastors Chuck and Sheryl Franco at (562) 357-4360 or pastorchuck@lwassemblyofgod. com.

Prayer requests can also be given to Carolyn van Aalst at (562) 343-8424.

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