Women’s Golf Club
On Aug. 17, 49 members of the Leisure World Women’s Golf Club competed for low gross, low net and fewest putts. The winners were: A Flight: Low gross: Zoe Pickell, 28; low net: Jane Song, 24; fewest puts: tie between Song and Devora Kim, 10.
B Flight: Low gross: San An, 28; low net: Judy Kim, 21; fewest putts: Kim, 8.
C Flight: Low gross: Sue Elliott, 33; low net: Neva Senske, 24; fewest putts: Melinda Lee, 12.
D Flight: Low gross: tie between Donna Cooper, Mary Devlin and Soo Kim, 36; low net: tie between Dorothy Favre and Sandra de Dubovay, 25; fewest putts: deDubovay, 10.
—Anne Walshe