Republican Club
by Brian Harmon
LW contributor
The latest poll shows Larry Elder, the Republican Club’s endorsed candidate, beating John Cox by more than 3 to 1, or 23 percent to 7 pecent.
“The decline of California isn’t the fault of its people;” Elder said, “Our government is what’s ruining the Golden State.”
Elder cited schools, crime, homelessness, and government scandals as the biggest problems: “Our schools are closed to both students and their parents. Our streets aren’t safe from rising violent crime or the disaster of rising homelessness. And the scandals of Sacramento aren’t going to stop on their own. It’s time to tell the truth. We’ve got a state to save.”
For more information on Elder, go to his website at www.electelder. com.
•••• For more information about the upcoming recall election, call (714) 567-7600, or visit the website at The closest in-person voting center to LW is the City of Seal Beach Fire Station 48, 3131 North Gate Road, offf Seal Beach Boulevard. The voting center will be open from Sept. 11-14. Mobile Voting Units are not expected to be available for this election at LW; however, an official OC voting drop box is available near Amphitheater.
Mail-in ballots were mailed out to registered voters on Aug. 16 and should be coming soon. Election day is Sept. 14, and voting can be in-person, mail, or hand carried to a voting center.
When a ballot is received by the OC Registrar of voters office, the following will take place: 1. Envelopewillbescanned 2. Ballotwillbescanned 3. Ifanydiscrepancyisdiscovered,itwillbechallengedanda letter will be mailed to voter 4. Finalreviewandballotisofficiallyaccepted.