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Ladies Golf Club

Falling on a fifth Tuesday, the tournament on June 29 was a special one. For this challenge, each of the 52 lady golfers was only allowed the use of one three clubs throughout the nine-hole play.

Flights were determined by handicap and the number of tournament participants. All scores are low net.

Flight A (0-5 Handicap) Winners: First place: Hae Lee, 23; second place: tie between Myung Kim and Linda Herman, 24.

Flight B (6-8 Handicap) Winners: First place: Margie Thompson, 23; second place: tie between Judy Lim, Mimi Lee, Yvonne Yim and Young Yoon, 24.

Flight C (9-10 Handicap) Winners: First place: Alison Kim, 22; second place: Melinda Lee. 23; third place: Liz Meripol, 24.

Flight D Winners: First place: Patti Latrell, 21; second place: Dale Quinn, 23; third place: tie between Donna Cooper and Delias Kim, 25.

—Dale Quinn

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