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American Legion Auxiliary

American Legion Auxiliary American Legion Auxiliary

The American Legion Auxiliary held its installation of new officers at the Joint Forces Base in the Fiddlers Three Banquet room on June 21. Tables decorated with stars and stripes seated about 50 members and guests for a delicious luncheon served by the staff of Fiddlers Three.

The program of the day, conducted by outgoing President Lorna Kaplan Miller, began with the group singing the National Anthem, followed by prayer led by the new chaplain-elect, Carolyn vanAalst. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Post 327 Veteran Dave Tautges.

District President Carol Borgman conducted the installation. New officers for the upcoming year are Geri McNulty, president; Lorna Kaplan Miller, first vice president; Phyllis Pierce, second vice president; Cathy Boufford, treasurer; Jean Sudbeck, secretary; Carolyn vanAalst, chaplain; Midge Bash and Sue Ellis, seargents at arms; and Doris Dack, historian.

The tradition of the Past President Parley is to choose an outstanding member of the year. This award went to LaBrenda Carson, who spent many hours planning an outstanding fashion show, only to have it canceled by the coronavirus. She was given a plaque of gratitude and red roses.

Appreciation gifts were given to Miller, and McNulty received the formal pin of presidency.

The event ended with the group singing “God Bless America,” followed by closing prayer led by Post 327 Veteran Frank Van Dormis.

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