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Democratic Club

by Mary Larson

LW contributor

Leisure World Democratic Club leaders continue to plan for the resumption of membership meetings on Aug. 18 at noon.

The club’s program committee wants to hear from members which potential candidates for the 2022 election they would like to see invited to speak at the meetings between August and the June 2022 Primary. Email program committee chair Debbie Wrathall at debbiewrathall@mac. com or call (562) 296-8531.

The club leaders also continue to work on what is tentatively being called “Training for Leadership.” Sessions are designed to provide a way for club members to gain more knowledge about the club as well as about Democratic policies and general California politics. These sessions are also being designed to provide an op- portunity for club members to get to know one another better. All club members will be eligible to enroll, regardless of whether they anticipate assuming responsibility for a leadership role in the immediate future. Enrollment is limited to 12 people per series. Email nomination committee chair Betty Kobata at to register.

The LW Democratic Club has assumed responsibility for staffing the Democratic Party of Orange County (DPOC) booth at the 2021 Orange County Fair for one day between July 16-Aug.15. Members interested in participating should contact membership chair Loni Gardette at lonig.

The club’s voter service center booth outside Clubhouse 6 is open every Tuesday from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Voter registration forms, membership applications, club newsletters, brochures and other resource materials are available at the booth. Those interested in staffing the booth should email hospitality committee chair Racheal Lehmberg at rlehmberg815@ gmail. com. Training is available.

The club’s publicity and program committees are looking for members to join. The publicity committee is looking for someone with experience (or a willingness to learn) in developing and managing websites. Email publicity committee chair Mary Larson at or call (562) 296-8531 for more information.

The Democratic Club welcomes new members and friends. Those who have questions about membership can call (562) 4317275. New and 2021 renewal membership forms are available at https:// sblwdems. wordpress. com/democratic-club-membership- 2/.

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