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Letters to the Editor


Recently, a turquoise canvas wagon was stolen from our carport.

We were disappointed and a little shocked.

We didn’t expect that anyone in Leisure World would intentionally take something that didn’t belong to them.

It just happened to be a gift from our grandchildren when we first arrived four years ago in LW. They had great fun riding to the Dollar Store, the bank and library when they came to visit. If you happen to read this and know of the whereabouts of said wagon, please encourage whoever has possession to return it to the carport for 3K, no questions asked. And by the way, you are welcome to keep the bag of potting soil inside.

Kathryn Zajic Mutual 15


I just had to write to you about Nelson Plumbing and its excellent crew of plumbers that changed all the piping, hot water tanks and shower fixtures in Mutual 6, Building 61.

My opinion, based on 35 years selling pipe valves and fittings, and before that, working with my dad in construction, is that this was the finest crew I’ve ever seen.

They came in, introduced themselves and went right to work.

No chitchat among themselves, no slacking and very polite. I truly could not believe how they worked like a fine military unit. When the job was done, they came in with brooms, a vacuum cleaner and rags and cleaned up everything. Also, I counted at least four assorted nationalities, and they got along like a band of brothers.

Tony Laspada Mutual 6 Editor:

In August (with any good luck), I will celebrate my 90th birthday.

In all those years, I have suffered theft a mere five times. Noteworthy, however, is that four of those times have been here in Leisure World.

This time, it was a ladder. It’s a sad commentary.

I (perhaps, we) would appear to be an easy mark.

I think I need a comfort dog— a big one with a commanding presence.

Stan Verdi Mutual 2

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