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After reunion picnic, club focuses on upcoming recall election


by Brian Harmon

LW contributor

A crowd of more than 70 Republicans gathered for a picnic on June 11 outside Clubhouse 1 to celebrate their first opportunity to meet together in over a year.

Republican Club President David Harlow opened the festivities by thanking the volunteers for their countless hours of service.

Club Treasurer Elsa Gildner, while passing out hotdogs at the serving table, said she was delighted to see so many old and new friends, especially on such a perfect sunny but comfortably cool day.

“I really appreciate that so many people took the time to celebrate with us,” she said.

Gildner supervised the selling of campaign merchandise over the past year, raising over $8,000 for the club in purchases and donations.

Braden Ellis was the scheduled speaker at the June 15 meeting. Ellis is the student featured in a widely seen video showing a discussion with a Cypress College professor. Ellis said that he looked at the police as heroes, but some individual officers commit crimes, for which they should be punished.

In the video, the professor repeatedly interrupted Ellis. Each time, Ellis stopped, and then respectfully responded. When Ellis asked her who she would call if a gun-wielding intruder were in her house, she responded that she would not call anyone because she does not trust the police.

The other speaker, Detective Jon Ainley of the Seal Beach Police Department, was not able to attend due to a last-minute emergency. He will hopefully be rescheduled to speak in August.

The Election Integrity Project will be featured at the next meeting on July 21 in Clubhouse 3, Room 1, at 7 p.m.

A special Republican Club meeting will be held for members only to discuss the recall and midterm election strategy on Tuesday, June 22, at 11:15 a.m.

The voter registration and Republican Club information booth will be open July 7, from 11 a.m-2 p.m. outside Clubhouse 6. Merchandise will also be on sale.

The Republican Club does not charge membership dues or impose any other financial obligation on members. The club raises money primarily through donations and selling political campaign merchandise during election season. Club funds are used to support endorsed candidates, pay for speakers at club meetings and cover miscellaneous expenses.

Anyone who wants be added to the club membership roster or receive more information can send an email to dharlow50@aol. com or call (714) 928-1950.

Members will also be sent by email an agenda and minutes for each meeting and other information deemed necessary and/or appropriate by the president.

Club members are encouraged to send in their opinions on public issues or ideas about what the club should be doing. To do so, call or text (714) 928-1950. If sending a text, write “GOP club” on the first line. Those who do not want their name, ideas or opinions to be made public should so indicate.

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