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New procedures for the Mobility Aids Program in place


The Golden Age Foundation (GAF) Mobility Aids loans wheelchairs, transporters and walkers to Leisure World shareholders and other eligible residents. The service is free of charge and run 16 Event- News e Nterprise entirely by GAF volunteers. The program implemented two procedural changes on May 10.

The first change involved how long a mobility aid device will be loaned out.


In the past, the program would loan mobility aids for an indefinite period of time. The process has the cost the GAF thousands in replacement and repairs, as well as

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Celebrating our Wednesday, Sept. 30, 2020 caused a shortage of mobility aids. To help rein in costs and ensure an adequate supply, the GAF will loan mobility aids for six months at a time. If someone anticipates needing a mobility aid for a longer period of time, GAF recommends getting a prescription from his or her primary care provider to help cover the expense.

Volunteers will be available at the Mobility Aids Office Monday-Friday from 12:30-2:30 p.m. The office is located in Clubouse 6, on the first floor, west end. A request form, which is available at the Mobility Aids Office, should be completed to secure a device. Shareholders who are physically unable to get to the office can authorize a family member, close friend or caregiver to complete the form. GAF will have a modified rental agreement to pick up items and modified assets disposition form to be signed before receiving the device.

If something happens outside of the Mobility Aids service office hours, call GRF Security at (562) 594-4754 for help. GAF asks those who borrow aids to return them during regular office hours.

Those who are interested in volunteering for the Mobility Aids service should leave a message at (562) 431-9589.

For more information, go to

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