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Love and intimacy in the time of COVID-19


Grecia Nunez

HCC senior ambassador

Whether it’s our spouse, a long-term partner, or a new crush, having feelings for another person during these times can feel stranger than normal. But there are some ways to keep your relationship engaging and meaningful – all while staying safe.

Sheri Shafie, a clinical pharmacist who will be leading a class on dating and intimacy later this month, for some useful tips on how to manage a romantic relationship these days. Her class will be held virtually on Thursday, July 16 at 3 p.m. RSVP is required.

“COVID-19 symptoms don’t show up right away, so there’s always a chance you could have the virus and not realize it,” Sheri said. “Pay attention to your health. If you’re notice any symptoms, let your partner know right away.”

Be honest. “This is a stressful time for everyone, but we don’t always want to admit it,” Sheri said. “If you are feeling overwhelmed, let your partner know. They may not be able to do anything, but at least they will understand what you are feeling and can listen.”

Be patient. “If you can’t see your sweetheart in person, find other ways to spend time together. Maybe it’s through a regular video call or telephone call,” Sheri said. “It’s hard to rush a relationship when you’re being socially distant, but use this time to discover more about each other.”

Being intimate can be challenging as well. Sheri will offer other useful tips on how to enjoy time with that special someone and stay safe in her class.

If you’d like to join Sheri’s class on dating and intimacy on Thursday, July 16, at 3 p.m., email Grecia Nunez, senior ambassador for the Health Care Center. She’ll send you the Zoom link and a reminder of the class.You can email her at

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